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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Content is everything

If you've been creating the most polished manuscripts with loving care, paying attention to every detail of format, grammar and spelling, yet all you get back are form letters rejecting your work, you must be banging your head against the wall and asking, "Why?"

You probably know of at least one author who has turned in a mess of bad format on age-yellowed paper with coffee spills and shredded edges, yet that manuscript got accepted and . . . published! You must be banging your head against the wall and asking, "Why?"

Answer: Content is everything.

Yes, editors do prefer neat, clean manuscripts with the correct format, grammar and spelling. On the other hand, they buy content.

Make sure that you are telling a good story, or if you write nonfiction, that you inform readers about something that interests them, and you do it in an interesting way.

Content is everything.


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