Vanity publishers can cost thousands, but wait: You do not have to pay to publish your work.
I can publish my own books without spending a penny, unless I choose to purchase special services such as proofreading or cover art. My publisher provides cover templates that I can use to easily make my own covers, and they even provide some clip art if I don't have an image of my own that I want to use.
My books get listed on Amazon, and I can choose whether to offer them on Kindle. I set the price of each book, so I control how much money I make on each sale.
Instead of waiting months or even years to hear from traditional publishers, and gettinga "no" inmost cases, I can see my books in print as soon as they are ready for my readers.
I'm talking about Create Space.
Try it, you'll like it!
Hi Tessa. I've just started blogging, and as part of the social networking aspect, I thought I'd join up here. Philip K Dick is my favourite author, so it's weird in a pleasant way to be interacting with his last wife. I've opined in the past that the best authors are the ones who make you smile the most, and no one makes me smile more when I read their work that PKD.
Regarding the present topic, as a CreateSpace customer I totally agree, and it doesn't surprise me that they publish thousands of new titles every month (or whatever the statistic is). Btw, I remember once hearing you say that you couldn't find a publisher for your version of Owl in Daylight, and given who you are, I find that shocking.
Okay, I'll sign off now. All the best :-)
thanks for reading, Bobby, and thanks for commenting
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